"After LSG": Looking Back and Looking Ahead

"After LSG": Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Von Forschungplattform Life-Science-Governance, Universität Wien

Datum und Uhrzeit

Do. 22. Jan. 2015 19:00 - Fr. 23. Jan. 2015 18:00 CET


Sky Lounge

Oskar Morgenstern Platz 1 1090 Wien Austria


In February 2015, the University of Vienna’s Life-Science-Governance Research Platform will conclude. This end is linked to the tragic death of the Platform’s scientific director Herbert Gottweis in March 2014. In this workshop, we will reflect on the work that has been accomplished over the past decade under the guidance and leadership of Herbert Gottweis. Since the end of the Life-Science-Governance Research Platform is occurring in times that are interesting for science and society as well as for universities and democracies, we further wish to use these reflections to venture into puzzling what might or should come next, and how accomplishments of the future should be both envisioned and organized.


January 22, 2015: Podiumsdiskussion


Podiumsdiskussion : Lost in transdisciplinarty? Transdisziplinarität im Kontext universitärer Strukturen (in deutscher Sprache)

Mit Thomas König, Helga Nowotny, Ulrike Felt, Ingrid Metzler und Martin Weiß.

Followed by Wine and Cheese

January 23, 2015: Workshop

9.30-12.00 "After ELSA: Engaging with the life sciences"

With Ingrid Schneider, Alexander Bogner, Johannes Starkbaum, Walburg Steurer, Paul Just and Ingrid Metzler.

14.00-18.00 "After Postructuralism"

With Frank Fischer, Kathrin Braun, Anna Durnová, Heidrun Am, and Christian Haddad.

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